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Keycloak for BrowZer

How to configure Keycloak for OpenZiti BrowZer

Create a new Realm

A realm in Keycloak is equivalent to a tenant. Each realm allows an administrator to create isolated groups of applications and users. Initially, Keycloak includes a single realm, called master. Use this realm only for managing Keycloak and not for managing any applications.

Use these steps to create a realm for use with BrowZer.

  1. Login to your Keycloak Admin Console.
  2. Click the word master in the top-left corner, then click Create Realm: Keycloak Realm
  3. Enter browZerDemoRealm (or whatever you want, but browZerDemoRealm will be used throughout this example) in the Realm name field: Keycloak Realm
  4. Click Create.

Create a new Client

Use these steps to create a realm for use with BrowZer.

  1. Click the word master in the top-left corner, then click browZerDemoRealm
  2. Click Clients
  3. Click Create client
  4. Fill in the form with the following values:
    • Client type: OpenID Connect
    • Client ID: browZerDemoClient (or whatever you want, but browZerDemoClient will be used throughout this example) Keycloak Create Client
    • Click Next
    • Confirm that Standard flow is enabled
    • Click Next
    • Make these changes under Login settings
      • Set Valid redirect URIs to https://<DOMAIN_WHERE_YOU_WILL_RUN_BROWZER_BOOTSTRAPPER>/*

        (NOTE: the /* on the end of the redirect URI is important!)


    • Click Save

Federate out to Google

If you wish to set up Keycloak to be able to federate out to Google as an OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication provider, follow the instructions below.

  • Click on NEW PROJECT Keycloak Google federate

  • In the following form provide a name and an organization, then click on Create: Keycloak Google federate
  • You will be redirected to a page similar to the one in the following screenshot: Keycloak Google federate

  • Click on Explore and enable APIs and you will be redirected to the following page, click on Credentials. Keycloak Google federate

  • Now the Google Console reminds us that we need to Configure the consent screen. This is a mandatory step for our integration and it configures what users will see when we redirect them to Google for signing in. Let’s do it now, click on that button. Keycloak Google federate

  • Select External if we want to allow any Google account to sign in to our application. Then click on Create. Keycloak Google federate

  • We will be redirected to a page with many settings, fill them as follows:

    • Application type: Public
    • Application name: Your application name (anything you want)
    • Authorized domains: Your application top level domain name
    • Application Homepage link: Your application homepage

    Then click on Save at the end of the page

  • Click on Create Credentials Keycloak Google federate

  • Click on OAuth client ID Keycloak Google federate

  • Select Web Application as the type of your application, add a name for your application, and into the Authorized redirect URIs field add the URL you saved near the end of the first step of this guide. It should be something like: https://YOUR_KEYCLOAK_DOMAIN/auth/realms/YOUR_REALM_NAME/broker/google/endpoint

    You will get now a set of credentials, Client ID and Client Secret Keycloak Google federate

  • Leave the above Google Console page open. You will need the Client ID and Client Secret while setting up Keycloak in the next parts of this guide.
  • Back in Keycloak admin console, click on Identity Providers:

Keycloak Google federate

  • Click Add provider, then select Google as the provider:

Keycloak Google federate

  • Add the ClientId and Client secret from the above Google Console page into Keycloak: Keycloak Google federate

  • Click on Save

  • In Keycloak admin console, click on Client Scopes:

Keycloak Google federate

  • Click Create Client Scope
  • Go to Mappers tab for your new Scope

Keycloak Google federate

  • Create a new Audience Mapper

Keycloak Google federate

  • Include the browZerDemoClient Keycloak Google federate

  • Ensure the Include in token scope checkbox is ON

  • Go to Clients, browZerDemoClient, Client Scopes, dedicated, Scope, and disable the Full scope allowed checkbox:

Keycloak Google federate

  • Click on Client scopes:

Keycloak Google federate

  • Click Create client scope, then select browZerDemoScope: Keycloak Google federate

  • Click on Realm settings, then click OpenID Endpoint Configuration: Keycloak Google federate

  • This will produce JSON resembling the following (take note of the issuer and jwks_uri fields. Yours will be slightly different than what is shown here): Keycloak Google federate

Create External JWT Signer

Using the the issuer and jwks_uri values described above, use the ziti CLI to configure an external JWT signer that represents your Keycloak identity provider. You can find details on how to do this in the BrowZer Quickstart documentation